For the Control of a Range of Insect Pests in Turf and Ornamental situations as per the Directions for Use.
Tirem 200 SC Insecticide is a quality formulation of 200 g/L Imidacloprid.
Tirem 200 SC Insecticide is a broad spectrum, systemic insecticide which is highly effective at low use rates and delivers outstanding control of African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab and Billbug in Turf, as well as a variety of ornamental and tree pests. Its low use rates provide a high level of applicator and environmental safety.
Features and Benefits
- Proven performance
- Broad spectrum control
- Strong residual activity
- High level of safety to the applicator and the environment
- Reliable, high quality aqueous concentrate formulation
- Low use rates
- Low to no odour
Active Constituent: 200 g/L IMIDACLOPRID
Activity Group: Group 4A Insecticide
Formulation: SC - Suspension Concentrate
Product Label: Download Here
Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Download Here
Product & Pack
- Application Rate is 25 mL per 100 square metres for turf use
- 1 L pack treats 4,000 square metres of turf in total [$0.02 (2 cents) per square metre]
- Be sure to READ and FOLLOW the product label in FULL before using.