Dual Mode of Action working Inside and Outside the plant to Control 8 Turf Diseases
Tribeca Fungicide is a Liquid SC (Suspension Concentrate) that contains;
- 127 g/L fludioxonil
- 194 g/L triticonazole
Tribeca attacks and controls turf diseases at multiple stages of their development, thanks to dual active constituents, dual mode of action capabilities of Tribeca. Regardless of the disease stage (early, developing, or full-blown infestations) Tribeca stops turf diseases in their tracks, period.
Tribeca is Protective & Curative, Contact and Systemic, Killing Disease & Giving plant protection inside and outside for Broad spectrum control of 8 major turf diseases such as;
- Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola),
- Brown Patch [leaf, crown & root] (Rhizoctonia solani),
- Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpe, Clarireedia homoeocarpa),
- Fusarium (Fusarium nivale, Microdochium nivale),
- Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp, Drechslera spp, Exserohilum spp),
- Take-All Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae)
Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi (ERI) [Autumn strategy]
- Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella narmari),
- Take-all Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae)
Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi (ERI) [Spring and Summer strategy]
- Couchgrass Decline (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis),
- Take-all Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae)
Features & Benefits
- Tribeca applies more than double the Fludioxonil per ha in Turf than any other product in Australia.
- Triggers fungal spores to quickly absorb water until they explode.
Protective & Curative contact and systemic fungicide (dual active constituents) – giving inside and outside plant protection.
- Covering the outside like a glove (Fludioxonil).
- Systemic movement inside (Triticonazole).
- Controls germinating fungal spores - leaf & thatch / soil (Fludioxonil).
- Controls fungal diseases developing & already established – leaf & thatch / soil (Triticonazole).
- Is highly rain-fast and quickly gets to work.
- Fungal activity ceases quickly when applied as a curative application.
- The only dual active constituent fungicide that contains the highly regarded active constituents Fludioxonil & Triticonazole.
- Broad spectrum control of over 8 major turf diseases.
- Allows for excellent flexibility for diseases attacking leaves, crowns and roots.
- Low poison schedule (Schedule 5 – CAUTION).
- Fludioxonil is an extremely effective contact fungicide, providing an aggressive defence to protect the leaf and stop the disease spreading.
- Triticonazole gives significant new growth protection through systemic movement (xylem systemic) when absorbed in leaves, crowns and through roots which can be redistributed through dispersion to all tissues.
Tribeca Fungicide is a trusted tool relied upon by turf managers around Australia for disease control.
Active Constituents: 127 g/L FLUDIOXONIL & 194 g/L TRITICONAZOLE
Activity Group: Group 12 & 3 Fungicide
Formulation: SC - Suspension Concentrate
Product Label: Download Here
Tech Sheet: Download Here
Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Download Here
Product & Pack
Application Rate is 60mL per 100 square metres.
Hence a 250mL pack will treat 416 square metres (or 2 applications of 208 m2)
Be sure to READ and FOLLOW the product label in FULL before using.